Originally published on Photoblog by Gethin Thomas NOVEMBER. 04, 2020
[91-365] 4th. November 2020- This sign seen today in Brixham. My Brixham photo walk posts will be posted over the next couple of weeks. We go into national lockdown in just over an hour, so I went out and about today especially because the weather was the best in weeks, but also to store up photo material to work on under lockdown..
This lockdown is not as extensive as the first. People who can work safely are still expected to do so, the schools are still open, but non-essential shops, pubs and restaurants are all closed from midnight. It comes to an end on the 2nd of December.
From what I can make out you can drive to places for exercise this time so I may do that later in the month, weather permitting, to exercise whilst carrying my camera. In addition our main road coming in to the village is closed for a week for major flood prevention works. This would mean a very long round trip to go to most places so we may just keep local while that is happening. I may wander along to see if there is anything worth photographing, as my daily exercise of course.
We went to the pub this evening for a meal, not because we had no food in but because we wanted to show our support for all their hard work and struggling through for the last few months. I am not sure if I could work all day while wearing a mask, so they have been fantastic.
Anyway, I saw this sign and it brought a bit of light relief. I missed the one above it but I can just see permission to shoulder shimmy, but no dancing or singing. I wasn't tempted to pop in for a shimmy though, sorry to disappoint you.