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Photo Walk Plymouth June 2020

Writer: Gethin ThomasGethin Thomas

Originally published on Photoblog by Gethin Thomas JULY. 26, 2020

I have only just got around to editing these photos and putting this set together because I have been a bit distracted and otherwise occupied by a death in the family. Things are just getting a bit more back to normal so I thought I would put this one together now.

My main interest is architecture and I am a bit of a fan of concrete in it's better examples. As a consequence I seek out interesting looking buildings to go and photograph, but also photograph anything else that catches my eye.

Some of you will recognise one of the buildings because back when I first took these I did put a set up from that building before everything went pear shaped as we say here. So I have added some more newly edited ones in here.

I have also included some Covid 19 ones as this was my first visit to a large city since lockdown so it was all a bit strange.

The recent Drake Circus shopping mall. Named after Sir Francis Drake of defeating the Spanish Armada fame. Not sure what he would have made of being memorialised by a group of shops after risking his life to save the nation, but still, here it is. I suppose strictly speaking it is the road junction Drake Circus (nothing to do with clowns and trapezes by the way, it refers to a circular open space) that memorialises him which then gives it's name to the mall.

Charles Church is the second most ancient parish church in Plymouth, Devon in England. The church was an important centre of spiritual life for the city for 300 years; boasted a number of important clergy; and was the mother of many existing churches. During the nights of 21 and 22 March 1941, the church was entirely burned out by incendiary bombs. Although now a monument, the tradition of ministry at "Charles" is not lost and is carried on by the Parish of Charles with St Matthias, one of its daughter churches a quarter of a mile away.

Timber referencing a Drake era wooden ship.

Disguised multi-storey car park. Not impressed. Prefer a bit of honest well designed concrete, see later.

The stores had not long opened and some brave souls had ventured out to do some socially distant shopping. Queuing lines and sanitiser station.

The Roland Levinsky Building, Plymouth University.

Professor Roland Levinsky (16 October 1943 – 1 January 2007) was an academic researcher in biomedicine and a university senior manager. His last post, which he held at the time of his death, was as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom. He was born in South Africa to Jewish parents. His father emigrated from the Lithuania/Poland area to South Africa to escape persecution; many of his relatives died in Nazi-German death camps. Professor Levinsky was killed in an accident while out walking in stormy weather with his wife, on New Year's Day 2007. High winds blew down overhead power cables in a field near his house in Wembury, and a live cable touched him, causing his electrocution.

Spending a penny now costs 20 pence, that's inflation for you. But I suppose having started out costing a penny to pee in the 1850's costing 20 p to pee now counts as good value. (That's using the restroom to you Americans out there). Taking a leak or pointing Percy at the porcelain was a little problematic a month ago with few shops and no restaurants open, I was forced to queue for the privilege, having earlier broken off my journey to Plymouth to go down a country lane to find a discreet hedge for my first pee. I think the British (who love euphemisms) probably have more different ways of mentioning this everyday activity than anyone else. We also go to the loo, the little boys room, and the ladies go to powder their noses, very dainty. Not to mention going for a slash, and maybe I better stop there.............

The Theatre Royal Car Park. Far more attractive than the Theatre Royal in my opinion.

That is the Theatre Royal in the background. You see my point.

Even this lamp more interesting than the Theatre Royal.

The day I took all these photos of signs saying keep 2 metres apart the powers that be decided that 1 metre would now do. Did anyone tell the virus?

Maintaining social distancing was not a great problem at this point with most people too afraid to go out. It's a lot busier now though.

1 Comment

John Durham
John Durham
Feb 17, 2022

Great angles and framing! I, too, love concrete, probably because I have poured, formed or finished countless yards of it. I wish I had such great architecture around here - everything is so plain and drab. We, also, had difficulty during the lock downs with public facilities - hard to "see a man about a dog", "shake the dew off the lily", "bleed the lizard" or "drain the canteen", to mention a few euphemisms.

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