A recent organised history walk in nearby Kingsbridge found us at the entrance to a Green Lane.

Behind the park is Derby Road. It is narrow and steep and leads up to the rugby club. Half way up is a hairpin bend and at that point if you go straight ahead you pass a sign saying "Unsuitable for Motors" and you enter a Green Lane. Before the Turnpike road was built on the Embankment and then over the New Bridge at Bowcombe and on through the Charletons, in the early 1800's, this Green Lane was the road to Frogmore. Walking along it is like travelling back in time.

This is a preamble to a Post I am planning called "Kingsbridge Traces". It will feature photos taken on this walk, starting in Lower Dodbrooke and ending up here in this Green Lane. It will show the many traces of things from the past along the route. Things which are almost gone, but not quite. Kingsbridge Traces is now available.